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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Unit 5: Family Life Education and Quality of Life
       Topics discussion: Human Development Index.
       Some sampled very short questions.
       Some sampled short questions.
       Some sampled long questions.
Lesson 4: Human Development Index
       HDI were devised and launched by Pakistani economist Mahbub ul Haq in 1990.
       Nobel laureate Amartya Sen utilized Haq's work in his own work on human capabilities.
       It is statistical tool to measure the country’s overall achievement.
       Every year UNDP publishes HDI report since 1990.
       It ranks the countries of the world on the basis of following criteria:
  1. Average life
  2. Education
  3. Income
       HDI is expressed in the value for 0 to 1.
       HDI is divided into four categories:
       Less than 0.550 for low human development
       0.550 to 0.699 for medium human development
       0.700 to 0.799 for high human development
       0.800 to 1.000 for very high human development index.
Nepal’s HDI Rank
HDI Value

HDI Rank of top ten countries of the world (UNDP, 2018)
HDI Rank
HDI Value
Hong Kong, China

HDI Rank of SAARC countries (UNDP, 2018)
HDI Rank
HDI Value
Sri Lanka

Sampled Very Short Questions
  1. What is the value of high human development index?
  2. What is the measurement of human development index?
  3. Which SAARC country has the highest HDI?
  4. Write any one criterion to measure HDI?
  5. Under which category of HDI from 0.5 to 0.799?
  6. What is the score and rank of Nepal of HDI according to the HDI report, 2018?
  7. Which country among the SAARC is at the lowest rank of HDI according to the HDI report, 2018?
  8. Which country of the world has the first rank in HDI?
  9. How many rank is divided of HDI?
Sampled Long Questions
  1. Small family is the base of happiness. How does small family help in leading quality life?
  2. What are the bases of quality of life? Which is effective in Nepal? Explain.
  3. Make the list of nutritious food items for the babies up to two years.
  4. Prepare a short report of quality of life of your family on the basis of income generation opportunities.
Role of Income Generation Opportunities in Achieving Quality of Life
       Introduction: Quality of life is a state of one’s life in which s/he is able to fulfill her/his needs and desires to become happy and satisfied. There are various ways through which a family can achieve quality of life such as quality education, quality food, housing, small family size and so on. Income generation  opportunity is one of the ways to achieve quality of life. This report has been prepared on matter how income generation opportunity helps in achieving quality of life.
    Methods of Study: Study of EPH Text book, discussion with my teachers and friends and primary observation of my own family and some other neighborhood family have been done.
       Findings: Income generation opportunity is concerned with the quality of life. A family having a suitable income, expenditure and saving can have better quality of life. Income and saving can fulfill basic and additional needs and no any stress during needs and emergency. So life becomes happy and satisfied. But if there is no proper income generation opportunity, there is lack of fulfillment of additional and basic needs. Family members have to spend stressful life. I observed my own family and neighborhood family. In my family, there is sufficient source of income. My mother and father both are employed. Similarly we have ancestral property which earns sufficient monthly income. And we’ve enough saving because we focus on economic expenditure and have only four members. But in neighbor hood family, only head of family is employed with not enough salary and staying in rented house. So they have so many problems and always appear with stressful life.
       Conclusion: Income generation opportunity is boom for all family members. They can achieve quality of life. If they have sufficient opportunity of income generation and saving, they become able to fulfill needs easily. Therefore, all family members have to effort for income generation and saving with economic expenditure.

Unit 5: Family Life Education and Quality of Life
       How can you compare quality life and low quality of life?
       Role of family size to maintain quality of life?
Lesson 3: Indicators of Comfortable life (Indicators of Happy and Quality Life)
       The population growth rate and economic development rate of a country are directly related to the quality of life.
       For quality life, there must be economic growth rate must be greater than population growth rate.
       Each family member has responsibility to make happy and prosperous life by fulfilling overall needs.
       For this each family member has to bring positive change in their behavior.
       This leads to attain a quality of life by economic, social and other overall development.
The indicators of comfortable life are as follows:
  1. Small family size
  2. Quality education
  3. Marriage at appropriate age
  4. First conception at proper age
  5. Birth spacing
  6. Nutritious food
  7. Gender equality
  8. Saving
  9. Health and sanitation
  10. Responsibility of parents towards the children
Small Family Size:
       Small family size is an important determinant of happy life.
       There is a frequently used saying, ‘small family is a happy family’.
       If family is small, then management of elements of quality of life such as clothes, education, health, shelter etc. can easily be done.
       All members spend happily life.
       If the family size is large, there is economic burden to fulfill basic and other additional needs.
       It hampers quality of life.
       That’s why there must be small family size to attain quality of life.
       It is very important to have family planning.
Quality Education:
       Quality education is another important indicator of comfortable or happy life.
       It develops intuition of what is right and what is wrong.
       Quality education provides better employment opportunities, better income and easier fulfillment of family needs.
       Quality education enhances people’s awareness regarding their health and sanitation which leads to better health status.
       Quality education provides mutual understanding, peace, love and harmony among the family members.
       Due to these reasons, quality education is a good indicator of quality life without which quality of life is almost impossible.
Marriage at appropriate age:
       Marriage at appropriate age is an important indicator of quality of life.
       When marriage is done at an appropriate age, couple become mentally, physically and socially mature and can have ability of decision.
       The reproductive organs of female become well developed after the age of 20 years.
       They have knowledge of birth spacing and family planning.
       They can make proper plan to make their family happy which leads to a quality of life.
First conception at appropriate age:
       First conception at appropriate age is also an important indicator of quality of life.
       The age 20-30 years is the best age for the first conception for women.
       The reproductive organs of female become well developed after the age of 20 years.
       Women can get chances to be engaged in income generation activities and education.
       Married couple can enjoy the charms of married life.
       They can have enough time for future plan.
Birth Spacing:
       Birth spacing is an important indicator of comfortable/happy life.
       Birth spacing is suitable and proper gap between two successive pregnancies.
       The gap between first and second child must be 4-5 years.
       It prevents complications in infants and maternal health.
       It prevents economic burden.
       Children get proper care, love and affection.
       Therefore birth spacing must be done by mutual understanding.
       So, it is necessary to have proper birth spacing for quality of life.
Nutritious Food:
       It is one of basic need and important indicator of quality of life.
       Nutritious Food and balanced diet is very important and compulsory factor for the overall development of family members.
       It determines social, physical and mental health of family members.
       It develops immunity system of body which keeps away from the diseases.
       Lack of a balanced diet causes malnutrition and different types of diseases.
       The human life becomes painful.
       That’s why to get a quality life, consumption of nutritious food and a balanced diet is compulsory.
Gender Equality:
       It is one of the important indicators of quality of life.
       It is necessary for happy family and quality life.
       Environment gender equality and co-existence creates romantic, peaceful and delightful with mutual harmony.
       It brings affectionate relationship between spouse and siblings.
       It brings happiness in the family.
       There is still discrimination among son and daughters.
       This causes the birth of children until the birth of son.
       This leads to the increase in the family size.
       This creates scarcity and economic burden.
       This hampers in quality of life.
       So, there must be gender equality.
       It is one of the important indicators of quality of life.
       The income we generate is used to fulfill the demands of family needs.
       During this process we have to expense economically only on necessary materials and have to make the habit of saving.
       It should be deposited on bank which earns interest as well as protects from robbery and unnecessary expenses.
       It creates a fund for us on emergency and we don’t need to lend money on interest
       Savings can be invested on other income generating business.
       This makes our economy strong, makes easy to fulfill needs and lead to a quality life
Health & Sanitation:
       It is one of the important indicators of quality of life.
       It is said that, “Health is a Wealth.”
       So, health is considered as an element of quality of life.
       Healthy citizens and manpower are backbone for the development of a country.
       A nation must provide to citizens and parents must think about good health of their children.
       To attain quality of life our surrounding like house, water resources, garden, streets, school, temples, lakes etc. must be neat and clean without any pollution and waste thrown aside.
       Sanitation prevents the diseases and increases the longevity of human beings and makes family members active.
       Healthy and active people participate in the developmental activities and contribute to the attainment of quality of life.
Responsibility of Parents towards the Children:
       To provide quality education, health facilities, taking care, to make them independent are responsibilities of parents.
       If parents fulfill their responsibilities, then the children also will become able to fulfill their responsibilities towards their families which leads to the quality of life.
       Children are also future parents.
       So, they must have good behavior towards their parents.
Sampled Very Short Questions
  1. Why does quality of life depend on family size?
  2. Why does quality of life differ from person to person?
  3. Write any one cause of low quality of life.
  4. What is the appropriate birth space for getting quality of life?
  5. How does marriage at proper age help to make quality of life? Write any one point.
  6. What is women empowerment?
  7. What is ultimate goal of population education?
Sampled Short Questions
  1. Define low quality of life and write its three disadvantages.
  2. Prepare a short note on “Marriage at appropriate age for quality of life”.
  3. Prepare a short note on “Gender Equality for quality of life”.
  4. “There is high possibility of quality of life in a family with educated females”. Justify statement.
  5. “A poor but healthy person can gain quality of life”. Justify the statement.
  6. “There is high maternal and infant mortality rate in the family with low quality of life”. Explain.
  7. Why does the definition of quality of life differ according to country, time and situation? Explain with suitable reason and examples.
  8. Two families with same income may have different quality of life. Justify with suitable examples.
  9. A financially sound family may also lack quality of life. Why?
  10. Why should quality of life be defined relatively?
  11. How is quality of life and low quality of life are inter related?
  12. “Measurement of quality life is a complex concept”. Justify.