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Monday, July 8, 2019

EPH - Unit 1 - Health, Population and Environment Education

Unit 1: Concept of Health, Population and Environment Education
Objectives This Session
      To know types and number of questions to be asked from this unit.
      Sample of long questions.
      Sample of short questions.
      Sample of very short questions.
      Some very short questions solved.
      Some short questions solved.
      Some long questions solved (unit review).
Things to Remember
      This discussion is for reference and review to generate solid idea but not the substitute of text book.
      During solving questions, always keep in mind of “marks and time”.
      While solving questions always know “what to write and how much to write”.
      Always write your answers within the criteria and to the point and within the time frame.
      Make strategy for it.
      Practice a lot and check so many times so that you can complete within the time or not.
      Make a reference book (notes) in your own language so that it would be helpful to you for examination to get solved all questions within the time frame covering all maximum points.
      Be careful, some ‘a very few questions but not all’ will be asked out of box. So, be prepared.
      Never hurry up, keep patience, don’t get panic.
Some Terminologies and Organizations Working With Environment
      Mountain = Refers to Himalayan Region
      NTNC = National Trust for Nature Conservation
      WCU = World Conservation Union
      IUCN = International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources
      WWF = World Wildlife Fund
      UNEP = United Nations Environment Program
      ICIMOD = International Center for Integrated Mountain Development
      IPCC = Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
      WCN = Wildlife Conservation Network
      CEN = Conservative Environment Network
      SEN = The Small Earth Nepal
Questions types to be asked from this unit
·        1 very short question (knowledge type)
      1 Short Question (Knowledge type)
      1 Long Question ( Understanding Type)
Long Questions: Solved (Unit review and Question Suggestion)
Question 1: Describe various aspects of Health, Population and Environment education.
Different Aspects of Health, Population and Environment
      Health, Population and Environment is a multidimensional subject.
      It includes all the matters which are directly related to the human life and human health.
      All these matters are known as different aspects of health, population and environment.
      These aspects are explained below with the help of following chart:

Physical Aspect
      This includes abiotic factors of environment like water, land, air, hill, mountains, desert, sunlight  etc.
      Similarly it includes man made construction and infrastructures like road, bridges, industries etc.
Biological Aspect
      It includes biotic factors of environment.
      Plants, animals, micro organisms are included in this aspect.
      Different bio diversity according to different types of environment, habitat and geography are included in this aspect.
      For example, land is more fertile in terai region, medicinal herbs are found in Himalayan region etc.
Socio-Cultural Aspect
      Every group of human being develops some rituals, ethics, culture in a society which is suitable to them.
      These rituals are knows as socio cultural aspects.
      Culture of birth, marriage and death; celebration of festivals etc. are included in this socio cultural aspect.
Economic Aspect
      Every human being needs money to sustain their life.
      For this he/she does some earning activities like business, job, agriculture etc.
      These come under the economic aspect.
Science and Technological Aspect
      This includes different types of development of technology.
      Development of Information and technology, bullet train, airplanes, rockets, TV etc.
      Similarly it also includes development of medicines and medical services.
Political Aspect
      A well defined system is needed to maintain peace, harmony, development, education, employment, allocation of budget, planning of development etc. in a nation.
      This well defined system is handled under constitution.
      The maintenance of all these system comes under political aspects.
Psychological Aspect
      This includes the development of concepts and attitudes according to his emotions and thinking.
      Some are optimistic and some are pessimistic, some have patience and some are violent etc.
      These are included under psychological aspects.
Question 2: Health, Population and Environment Education is inter related to Various Aspects, How? Prove with example.
Inter relationship of various Aspects of Environment, Population and Health
      Health, Population and Environment are closely inter related.
      Influence on any one causes ultimate effect on other two subjects
      For example, if human activities degrade the environment, different diseases will occur which causes adverse effects on health.
      Death of people will occur due to diseases causing disturbance in productive and quality of life.
      Similarly, positive impact on any one ultimately will cause positive influence on rest of them.
      For example, if human beings use resources wisely and do conservation, there will be positive and improving effect on human health.
      This will lead to productive population with quality life.

      Environment, population and health education are inter related to each other on following aspects of human beings:
Relation of Physical aspects to other aspects:
      Physical aspects consists both natural and artificial components. Human made constructions like road, bridges, industries etc. are artificial where as water, air, mountains etc. are natural aspects.
      If quality of these are low and degrading the environment, then, human health is adversely affected whereas if infrastructures are of good quality, sufficient and environment friendly, then the health of people will be good.
      Opportunity of employment will be high, population density will increase.
Relation of Biological aspects to other aspects:
      Different aspects of health and population are inter related to the biological aspects of environment.
      All nutrition, food, vegetables etc are achieved to people from plants.
      Where land is fertile, agro products are sufficiently found. There population density is also more. Animal husbandry also grows there. The health of people becomes good due to fresh foods
Relation of Socio Cultural aspects to other aspects:
      Human are social being. They have developed the way of living and practice some fundamental social life, which are accepted as culture. Standard of culture represents desirable social life. Some are related to religion. These socio cultural aspect affect all aspects of EPH.
      For example, in Hindu religion, worshipping of peepal, tulsi plants indicates the conservation of plants and organisms, which is related to the conservation of environment.
Relation of Economic aspects to other aspects:
      Economic aspects of  EPH is interrelated to the different aspects.
      When population grows rapidly, unemployment increases. Unemployment causes reduced economy, lack of nutrition, treatment causing reduced health.
      Similarly, unemployment causes poverty and people start encroachment of forest and land to fulfill their needs.
      These degrades environmental quality, reduced health and increased mortality rate.
Relation of Science and technological aspects to other aspects:
      It has become possible to use internet, email, easy access to information system, utilization of modern and luxurious goods. It is a positive side.
      But there are so many negative sides too. There are so many impact causing environmental degradation and social crime, insecurity.
      Weapons, atomic bombs, rocket tests etc. have adverse effects on environment.
Relation of Psychological aspects to other aspects:
      It is related to thinking, attitude, emotions of people.
      This psychological aspect is related to the different aspects of environment, health and population.
      The positive attitude of people to the environment supports conservation of environment, utilization of resources wisely, protection of flora and fauna.
      This leads to the good health and productive citizens.
Relation of Political aspects to other aspects:
      The candidates elected from election prepare a system required for a nation. If system is environment friendly, there is conservation of environment, then it will support health of people.
      Similarly, good policy and system will help to support health system of a nation and to produce productive citizens.
      This will support in the development of nation.
Sampled Short Questions
1.     Show the relationship between health, population and environment. (Refer First Paragraph of Long question no. 2)
2.     Describe the physical and biological aspects of health, population and environment education.
3.     Distinguish between physical and biological aspects. (solved)
Physical Aspects: Physical aspects are a-biotic components of environment. These are utilized by population to fulfill their various needs. These are artificial and natural. Artificial physical aspects are man made such as road, buildings, industries etc. and natural aspects are soil, water, air etc.
Biological Aspects: These are connected with the living or biotic components. All plants and animal fall under this aspects. Fertility, fecundity and mortality are major elements which change the population.
Physical Aspects
Biological Aspects
Abiotic  components.
Biotic Components
Natural and Artificial
Natural Only
Air, water, road, industries etc.
Plants and animals only.

4.     Enlist the different aspects of health, population and environment and explain scientific and technological aspect.
5.     What types of roles does social and cultural aspect play to preserve social value and norms? (Solved)
Roles of Socio Cultural Aspect to Preserve Social Norms
The rituals, culture, behaviors etc. fall under social and cultural aspect.
These social and cultural aspects play a vital role to preserve social value and norms.
Human are social being. They have developed the way of living and practice some fundamental social life, which are accepted as culture. Standard of culture represents desirable social life. These cultures are linked to religion also, so people follow some social norms. Similarly, violation of norms is not accepted, violators suffer loss of prestige and subjected to the fine, ridicules, imprisonment.
If a person wants to be a social and prestigious person, he has to follow social norms, rituals and respect the cultures.
That’s why people follow rituals, cultures.
In this way social and cultural aspect play to preserve social value and norms.
6.     How is health, population and environment is related to the political aspects?
Very Short Questions: Sampled
1.     Write the meaning of entrepreneurship.
2.     Under which aspect of health, population and environment education do tradition, rituals and festivals come?
3.     Write any one psychological aspect of health, population and environment education.
4.     What is health? (solved)
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
5.     What is health education?(solved)
Health education is an educational process which builds students’ knowledge, skill and positive attitude about health by motivating to maintain their physical, mental and social health.
6.     What is population?(solved)
Population is defined as the total number of people living in a certain place at a certain time.
7.     What is population education?(solved)
Population education is an educational process which brings about positive changes among the students by developing their knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes towards consequences and by realizing their responsibilities to maintain the quality of life.
8.     What is environment?(solved)
Our surroundings which consists great number of factor : biotic, abiotic, socio-cultural and artificial, is defined as environment.
9.     What is environment education?(solved)
According to the seminar of UNESCO in 1974 A.D., environment education is defined as “the means that helps to set the goals of environmental protection.”
10.  What is the long term goal of population education?(solved)
The long term goal of population education is to create a happy family life.
11.   What is the long term goal of health education?(solved)
The long term goal of health education is to make people physically, mentally and socially fit.(solved)
12.  What is the long term goal of environmental education?
The long term goal of environmental education is to make people aware of “what to do and what not” in the context of environment.

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